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GET IT WHILE IT IS HOT! - Cheap Boudoir Sessions ?

Imagine this: You are scrolling through your Facebook page and someone posted in one of your groups:

"In search of recommendations for a cheap OBGYN. I need to get my yearly exam, but don't want to pay an arm and a leg."

WHAT!? I don't know about you but I feel pretty vulnerable sitting naked under a paper gown and knowing I have stirrups and a speculum waiting. I want to know that 1 million percent, without a doubt that I have the best doctor in town. I want to know that my doctor knows what they are doing, has plenty of experience and will treat me with respect.

Time and time again I see ladies looking for the "cheapest" boudoir photographer. Or someone that wont "break the bank". And that just makes me wonder - who are these bold women that are so comfortable getting close to naked in front of the cheapest boudoir photographer they can find.

I know these ladies are not my clients. My clients tell me that one of the big obstacles they had in booking was the fear of how the session would go.

My clients wonder:

Will I feel vulnerable?

Will I have to get naked?

Will I be able to look sexy?

My clients want to know that without a doubt, they have the best boudoir photographer in town, that knows what she is doing, has plenty of experience and will treat them with respect.

I have been a photographer since 2013. Before that I was a photographer's assistant for 4 years. I have seen every size, every fear, every possible situation there is. I will be the first one to tell you that I AM NOT THE CHEAPEST boudoir photographer. But I am really damn good at what I do, and more importantly: I am really damn good at how I make you FEEL.

"I felt comfortable from the moment I walked in the door, being pampered and fixed up... looking like I literally NEVER have before." - Nicole T.

I would love to talk to you about YOUR amazing and professional boudoir photo session. Click HERE to send me a message and I will be in touch.

XO Lorie

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